Standard 1: Information access and referral
- All enquiries are responded to within one working day.
- Information provided to clients is at little or no cost.
- Centres are expected to co-ordinate their service delivery with other community agencies/organisations.
- Centres are expected to actively promote themselves within their Region to ensure profile and access.
Standard 2: Information management
- Centres will regularly source and manage information in a way that enables easy access.
- All information databases are to be updated regularly including Firstport.
- Feedback to be provided to Firstport to ensure correctness of ongoing information.
- All information is to be managed in a variety of formats (where practicable) for example, hard copy, electronic, Braille, etc.
- All information is dated and the source shown (cited).
- Centres are responsible for regular review and discard of obsolete information.
- Centres to maintain co-operative relationships with NGO's and Government organisations.
- All information is disseminated in a variety of mediums eg: television, radio, press, newsletters, websites etc
- Report service gaps to Management.
Standard 3: Consumer rights
- Centres will provide ethical, professional and respectful services.
- All staff within Centres will comply with the code of Health and Disability Consumers Rights, to ensure that the consumer's rights and dignity are upheld.
- All clients are aware of the Centres complaints procedure.
Standard 4: Community profile
- Centres will actively participate with local, regional and national agencies in activities supporting disability.
- Centres will make submissions, aligned to the New Zealand Disability Strategy to relevant local bodies (e.g. Health boards and City councils) on matters promoting the concerns of the disability sector.
- Centres will ensure promotional information is readily available in all formats (i.e. electronic, paper, website and where appropriate bi-lingual translations).
Standard 5: Treaty of Waitangi Partnership
Recognition that Maori disabled will have their disability needs met in a way that respects and acknowledges their individual beliefs and values.
Centres will reflect a commitment to cultural sensitivity and Treaty in all aspects of their organizations, i.e. governance, management and operation.
- Centre Staff will ensure they have access to appropriate skills and expertise to work appropriately with Maori.
- Centres will provide accessible services to Maori with disabilities and their support networks.
Standard 6: Quality assurance
Centres will demonstrate evaluation and monitoring systems in all aspects of their operation.
Centres will seek client feedback via some of the following methods:-
- Customer surveys
- Forums interviews
- Complaints
- Repeat services
- Suggestion box
Appraisals with purchasers including:-
- Statistics
- Outcomes
- Service gaps
- Trends